
This is Part Two of an occasional series aimed at grouping together all the main Data Visualisation resources Market Researchers and Insight professionals may find useful in furthering their ability to communicate data more visually, memorably and, you know, just generally better. Read more

To have a fairer than average chance of ‘winning’, all businesses, regardless of sector or product, need to know the answers to certain questions.

As an insight professional servicing internal clients, knowing what these questions are likely to be is the first stage to becoming an effective resource. Read more

It is often easy to overlook that sales believed ‘lost’ may, in fact, still be potential opportunities… Read more

Increasingly, as Market Research professionals, we find ourselves trying to communicate ever more complex data sets to clients for whom statistics (or indeed numbers in general) are not a first language. Read more

Most of us appreciate that business success and repeat sales have always been a combination of having a compelling proposition and targeting the right people in the right way with activities and resources. Read more