In 2011, Insight Engineers collected data on a number of ‘Green’ related issues such as environmental friendliness and sustainability. At the time ‘greenwashing’ – the practice of companies claiming to be behaving in an environmentally friendly way, but in reality continuing to operate anything but, was very much in the news.
Now, some four years later, we wondered if public attitudes and behaviour had changed, and how much big corporations were contributing in today’s more environmentally aware society.
You can download and read the full paper “Green. The New Black (2015)” – it’s free – and our research indicates:
- With regards “green” behaviour, we are better educated, better supported and better behaved than we were four years ago. That being said, it is the younger generation, who one could argue have most to lose if the planet suffers, who are the least likely to commit to environmentally friendly behaviour.
- Whilst increased “green-ness” is clearly evident from a consumer perspective, the role corporations have in this attitudinal and behavioural change has not, in the past four years, built positive recognition amongst consumers, with no one sector standing out as a leading light.
Also, previous study data here.