The first Saturday in December is Small Business Saturday UK.
Established in 2013, the UK movement seeks to celebrate and champion small businesses (traditional ‘bricks & mortar’ retailers and their online equivalents) with the continued support of American Express (through their Shop Small initiative), other service providers, the FSB and local authorities. (Poster c/o Chiltern District Council)
In-conjunction with Toluna, global online community panel specialists, we polled over 1,600 UK consumers repeating our annual Small Business Saturday poll to measure how shopping behaviour compared to last year.
Awareness of Small Business Saturday (56%) and ‘on the day’ Buyers from a small business (25%) has held steady year-on-year and 1 in 10 consumers claimed to have bought something additional on the day, over and above what would have usually been bought.
American Express is reporting another annual success story for Small Business Saturday, with an overall increase of £249m in spend since the launch of Shop Small Day in 2013.
It is also interesting to note, from our poll, that twice as many 16-34s vs. 55+s ‘shopped small’ on Small Business Saturday, and compared to last year, almost twice as many disapproved of the day itself (7%)!
Find out more about Small Business Saturday at: Small Business Saturday UK, @SmallBizSatUK and on Facebook Small Business Saturday.