Green Policy
insight engineers urges all companies to have a focus and determination to be act responsibly to preserve and protect the environment.
We ensure compliance with all relevant current and future legislation and also endeavour to be ahead of the curve in appropriate codes of renewable & sustainability initiatives.
We are committed to minimising the environmental impact of our operations and co-operate with awareness with our end clients, supplier partners, neighbours and stakeholders.
We seek to be green & sustainable in business practice through our commitment to:
- Belong to BP’s Target Neutral scheme to annually offset our annual transport carbon emissions.
- Where practical travel to clients by train e.g. on journeys over 2 hours by car.
- Look to update private & company vehicles to newer, more efficient engines within 4 years.
- Look to reduce the amount of paper used in the business e.g. only print out hard-copy materials when necessary and then 2 sheets to a page and/or double-sided printing.
- Look to reduce the amount of energy & water used in our offices – auto switch off lights, turn off taps, lobby for adopting renewable energy provision etc.
- Make a representative available for community meetings in our leased building premises when requested.
- Minimise noise from our offices and equipment.
The company will foster environmental awareness and understanding in all employees, suppliers, customers and subcontractors.