Method Neutral
The right approach is our focus. We are comfortable to work with regular platforms (e.g. omnibus), databases and public domain intelligence to inform and shape multi-mode research solutions for end-clients and agencies. Our aim is to unearth findings and meaning that identify your addressable market & target segments and lead to profitable actions, cost effectively.
Connected Solutions
We conduct stand alone Quantitative, Qualitative and Desk Research for companies from start-ups to international groups, but generally find most research solutions, regardless of size of organization, are multi-phased to best answer your business challenges.
Our orientation is always to think about research delivery within your commercial context, we do not wish to just deliver reportage’ but really seek to solve the business ‘problem’ and move things along concretely and cogently.
A range of factual and cultural issues are likely to emerge during our research for you. We substantiate feelings and needs, providing both rigour and touch & feel of the issues in play for your target groups & customers, the reasons behind these issues, and what that means for your commercial situation, brand, service, communication, pricing, strategy and tactics.
Understanding Your Target Groups
We identify the relevant contemporary knowledge of your prospects and current/lapsed customers, answering your key business questions (e.g. why are we losing sales?)
Regular areas for us are Market Entry analysis, concept & value proposition evaluation, messaging & communication, Customer Journey (CX) & User Experience (UX), (dis-)loyalty, (dis-)satisfaction, Lost Sales/Conversion.
GDPR has been a strong prompt to our specialist work with client databases (membership, sales & prospect).
We enjoy measuring and identifying which of your ideas and messages have the most emotional ‘grab’ & resonance